Tango quibbles - please write tickets so we can track them

Matti Niemenmaa see_signature at for.real.address
Sun Sep 16 05:28:30 PDT 2007

kris wrote:
> Matti Niemenmaa wrote:
>> kris wrote:
>>> Matti Niemenmaa wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I meant in Tango. Phobos does the translation, as you say.
>>> Please write a ticket, Matti?
>>> http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/newticket
>> I did, 7 months ago, and this behaviour was a conscious choice on your
>> part :-)
>> http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/ticket/295
> Mea Culpa!! Well, things change, and at least part of it was fixed :p
> I'll open it again, and thank you ... you've written lots of tickets

No problem.

It would be really nice if it was changed:

- It's a lot quicker to write \n than .newline, even on a Scandinavian keyboard
where \ is Alt Gr-+. :-)

- It's especially annoying when you have stuff like
'Stdout("foo").newline.print("bar")', where you have to use .print. You can't do
'Stdout("foo\nbar")' because \n isn't \r\n on Windows, and you can't use
'Stdout("foo").newline("bar")' because newline doesn't take arguments.

- Replacing Stdout("foo bar") to use a newline instead of a space requires a lot
of typing.

Any particular reason why you didn't see a reason to change it then, and do now?

E-mail address: matti.niemenmaa+news, domain is iki (DOT) fi

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