Tango quibbles - please write tickets so we can track them

Alix Pexton _a_l_i_x_._p_e_x_t_o_n_ at _g_m_a_i_l_._c_o_m_
Mon Sep 17 05:54:46 PDT 2007

The point that I was trying to make was that if you went to the library to get a book on
topic X, because topic X is the thing that you are interested right now, whatever it is,
and the library only has one book on X, do you go home or do you ask the librarian if
there are any others?

You're posting on these forums ans have contributed some interesting ideas, which means
that you must be interested in D, so say that "topic X" is D, well guess what, there is
only one book in the library on D, (IIRC, and its in Japanese).

I'm not a Tango user myself, but there is more value in me looking at it and suggesting
improvements than there is in a hundred people using it everyday and thinking it is the
best thing since sliced bread, and not having a bad thing to say about it. All the
tickets that the Tango guys work through (and they do a pretty good job of it) are
from people who didn't like something about Tango ('cos no one likes bugs).

As for non-colaborative works like the TV and film you mentioned, Joe Public does
influence them, but not in the same way. If no one watches that game show, then
eventually it will go off air and be replaced by a better one. In the media, it is not
the individul programs that are colaborative, its the stations and the studios, they
make the show that sell. While they still air "I Love Lucy" somewhere, its not prime-
time any more, TV evolved.

In a way, by just telling us that you are not using Tango right now and why, you have
turned off the "Tango Chanel", and not the "Tango Show", but hey, there is a new
season coming soon, and maybe one of the new modules will get you switching back.


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