Do we really need const?
Bruce Adams
tortoise_74 at
Tue Sep 18 00:38:57 PDT 2007
Bill Baxter Wrote:
> Robert Fraser wrote:
> > Lionello Lunesu Wrote:
> >
> > There seems to be a general push (among many computer scientists) to
> > enforce stricter rules, yet some of the most successful languages in
> > the past few years have been dynamically/duck typed.
> Note however that as these languages mature people are gradually trying
> to put some notion of interface-checking back in. I only really know
> about python, but there we have pyprotocols
> ( and zope.interface
> ( that both aim to put some
> non-duck type checking features back into the language. Because,
> surprise, when you're scaling up to huge systems it becomes difficult to
> figure out exactly what kind of duck you're supposed to be passing.
> > I'd like to pose a question to those who have used C++'s const: do
> > you feel that it has saved more time by preventing bugs than it has
> > taken by being forced to type it all the time, and the time spent
> > when it has to be removed all throughout a hierarchy, as inevitably
> > has to happen at least once? That is, const-correctness is a time
> > investment, so do you feel that investment has paid off for you?
> That's kind of why I started this thread. I started using C++ in 1995
> and it has been my main language since about 1998. I'm very used to
> C++'s const. But I do vaguely recall finding it terribly annoying in
> 1995 when I started moving over from C. The C++ people kept telling me
> that const correctness was like eating your peas. "You may not like it,
> but it's good for you." And now I like const, just like I like eating
> peas now too. It's not that I prefer the taste of peas to chocolate ice
> cream, but if I don't eat my peas I get this feeling like my health may
> fall apart at any minute. It's the same feeling I get from not using const.
> That said, I can program in Python without const and not flinch at all.
> Because const correctness is just not a part of Python. There are no
> peas in Python-land so I don't feel like I have to eat them. It's ice
> cream for every meal! Of course in Python-land "slow" has also been
> declared the new "fast", so I also don't flinch about making heap
> allocations willy-nilly.
> > I can say that working in Java, I have _never_ felt that if I pass a
> > class reference that was "constant" in nature to a method written by
> > somebody else or even to entirely different subsystem, that the
> > invariantness contract, specified only in the documentation, would be
> > broken. Compiler checks in that case end up being as useless and
> > annoying as checked exceptions.
> Here's the one case that makes me want const: Efficient vector math.
> Say you're writing a routine to compute whether or not three points are
> inside the circumcircle defined by three others. Here's how I wrote it
> in D:
> // Return if point d is in the circumcircle defined by points a,b,c.
> // The points a,b,c should be given in counter-clockwise order.
> bool in_circle(Point a, Point b, Point c, ref Point d)
> {
> a -= d;
> b -= d;
> c -= d;
> assert(is_CCW(a,b,c),
> "input circle points are not in ccw order");
> Scalar a2 = a.sqrnorm();
> Scalar b2 = b.sqrnorm();
> Scalar c2 = c.sqrnorm();
> Scalar det = a2*(b.x*c.y - b.y*c.x)
> + b2*(a.y*c.x - a.x*c.y)
> + c2*(a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x);
> return det >= 0;
> }
> Really I would like to make 'ref Point d' there be const. I'm passing
> it by reference because it's slightly more efficient and in_circle can
> get called a *lot*. I go ahead and pass a,b,c by value because I'm
> going to have to push a copy on the stack to modify them anyway. If I
> weren't modifying them I'd pass them by reference, too.
> But those are implementation details that the caller of in_circle
> doesn't really care about. So it's odd they should be in the interface.
> Ref/const ref is not a very direct solution for this kind of need.
> What i'd really like to be able to do is declare the function to be
> generically non-mutating (like 'in'), but at the same time time
> a) allow the implementation to modify its arguments if it wants to and
> b) make the call using the most efficient mechanism possible. I don't
> really want to have to guess whether the argument is big enough to
> justify pass by reference or not. It probably depends a lot on the
> architecture and number of accesses to the variable actually made in the
> end.
> Just using plain 'ref' would maybe be an acceptable solution, except you
> can't pass literals by ref. So if you make a min template like "T
> min(T)(ref T a, ref T b) {...};" min(0,x) won't compile. That's just
> too useful to disallow.
> And then if T is a class type then it's already a reference so there's
> not need to take a reference to the reference.
> You can work around these things with lots of static if(is(T==class))
> type things, but it gets ugly fast. It would be great if something like
> T min(T)(in T a, in T b) {...}
> "just worked". I.e. prevented visible modifications to a,b but didn't
> do unnecessary, inefficient copying of big structures, and didn't take
> unnecessary references of arguments that are already references, and
> allowed calling with literals.
> Give me a way to do that and I'll be happy. I'd even be willing to
> ditch the 'prevent modifications' bit as long as I can have efficiency
> and the ability to pass constants.
> --bb
Showing my true colours as a D noob here. I thought that with D like in java any object argument is passed by reference by default but unlike java the D compiler has the option of passing by value if it decides it would be more efficient. A const declaration here would help that. I believe it should be down to the compiler to decide when to do this because it makes no visible difference from the programmers perspective.
constness is part of the contract but perhaps allowing copy on write where you want to modify arguments is an option. It may be a dangerous one because it allows you to shoot yourself in the foot and
modify a variable thinking you are modifying the real one when actually you are only modifying a local copy. The inverse of the normal problem.
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