Do we really need const?
Robert Fraser
fraserofthenight at
Wed Sep 19 12:02:31 PDT 2007
Janice Caron Wrote:
> On 9/17/07, Jarrett Billingsley <kb3ctd2 at> wrote:
> > "Bill Baxter" <dnewsgroup at> wrote in message
> > news:fcl79k$18vu$1 at
> >
> > > It seems from the discussion here the past week, there is no real
> > > multithreading benefit to be had from const/invariant. 'Pure' is where
> > > it's at for that. So maybe we're just better off without the complexities
> > > of const. I've certainly gotten used to the lack of const in Python, so
> > > why not in a C++-ish language?
> >
> > I start to wonder how much of the "of COURSE we need const!" thinking comes
> > from "if all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail."
> > That is, I wonder how many people think we absolutely need const because
> > they're so used to using it in C and C++.
> >
> > Never having learned a const-correct language (started with various BASICs,
> > then on to very rudimentary C++, then D, and also a bit of Java and C#), I
> > simply don't see the overwhelming need. Sure, there are a very few cases
> > where const could be useful in my code for efficiency's sake, but I've never
> > felt like I was missing any expressive power. Furthermore, I have been
> > bitten exactly once by something that theoretically could have been
> > prevented by const. It took me two minutes in the debugger to track down
> > the problem. I'd say that those two minutes were a much better tradeoff
> > than the god-knows-how-long it'd take to write const and non-const overloads
> > of who-knows-how-many functions.
> Let me share some real world experience about using const versus not
> using const.
> Today, I found myself writing a small standalone project in D, for my
> own personal use. I wrote a function that took a ubtye[] as it's
> parameter. It occured to me that the function didn't actually modify
> the array, so (since I have D2.0) I could have declared the parameter
> const. I considered it, and then I thought: "Nah... let's not bother.
> Too much effort".
> BUT...
> When working on a big project, it's a different story. A couple of
> years back, I was team leader in a C++ project with half a dozen other
> developers. It was a multithreaded application. So I wrote this bunch
> of classes which had to be called in a certain way or it wouldn't
> compile - because data had to be shared between server instances and
> so forth. Well, a couple of the developers figured out the right thing
> to do all by themselves, and that was great. Of the others, about
> three tried the "obvious", discovered that it wouldn't compile because
> of const-correctness, and came to me asking why not. I explained that
> there was good reason for the constness, that it was thread-safety
> issue, and then I told them the correct, "authorised" way of doing
> things, and then they went off and did the right thing. So in this
> case, const forced everyone to get it right. Well - almost everyone.
> (There's always /one/!) One team member tried the "obvious",
> discovered that it wouldn't compile, and then, instead of asking me
> why not, figured out a workaround to make it compile using pointers.
> (If C++ had had intransitive const, the compiler would have prevented
> this, but it doesn't so he got away with it). Then ... weeks later ...
> we found that the server randomly fell over after several hours of
> problem-free up-time. The symptoms were random memory corruption. It
> took us about a month to find and fix the problem! Care to guess what
> the problem turned out to be? Yes, it was that errant team member's
> workaround for const-correctness that ended up causing multiple
> threads to (rarely) become thread-unsafe. (Moral: If your code won't
> compile when you try to call a co-worker's function, don't hack up a
> workaround - instead, ask them if you're calling it right!)
> So what I conclude from this is:
> (1) For a small project, you can ignore const. Just because the
> language has it, doesn't mean you have to use it.
> (2) For a large project, it's essential. And moreover, it needs to be
> transitive by default.
But wait... if there wasn't any const in the first place, the guy wouldn't have needed to hack up that workaround... I'm sensing a different moral here... ;-P
> I don't have a problem with const being transitive by default. I think
> it's a good idea. I do, however, have a problem with there being *no
> way to specify* mutable pointer to const pointer to mutable data.
> We've listed enough use cases to know that sometimes that's exactly
> what you need. It shouldn't be the default, but it should be
> /possible/.
> But ... on the other hand ... we /can/ cast away const, and even
> though it's "undefined", there is some indication that you can get
> away with it if you know what you're doing (in terms of
> thread-safety), so maybe it's not as big a problem as some of us
> imagine.
> Anyway, there's my story and my conclusions. Hope it helps. If not,
> hope it kept you amused. :-)
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