AA specialization not works

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 23 06:00:09 PDT 2007

"JDavidLS" <jdavidls at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:fd44p2$h7t$1 at digitalmars.com...
> string[] na = ["yo","tu","el"];
> string[string] aa;
> aa["yo"] = "qwer";
> aa["tu"] = "qwer";

At it happens, what you've posted isn't valid because the statements aren't 
in a function.  But if I wrap these statements in a main function (and add 
dummy code to the function bodies), then the code you've given compiles (and 
seems to run) without error.

> string toString(T)(Tt) { ...}           //OK
> string toString(T:T[])(Tt) { ... }     // WORKS
> string toString(T:T[C], C)(Tt) { ... }     // NOT WORKS
> string toString(T:V[C], V,C)(Tt) { ... }     // NOT WORKS
> string toString(V,C,T:V[C])(Tt) { ... }     // NOT WORKS

You've given these functions, but no code that tries to call these 
functions.  Hence nobody can reproduce your problem.

Please post minimal but complete, self-contained examples.  It makes it a 
lot easier for everybody, including you.  And don't just write "NOT WORKS", 
state what it's doing instead of working.  The best practice is to post a 
code file together with the compiler (or runtime) output for that file.

See also


My e-mail address is valid but not my primary mailbox.  Please keep replies 
on the 'group where everybody may benefit. 

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