
DanO dsstruthers at nospamplease.yahoo.com
Tue Sep 25 22:42:30 PDT 2007

BCS Wrote:

> pickling?
> MyTreeType BuildTree(char[] name)
> {
>    auto parseTree = parse(std.file.read(name));
>    auto ret = cast(MyTreeType)Object.create(parseTree.type);
>    ret.Stuff(parseTree.data)
>    return ret;
> }

Yes, pickling it is.  I call it serialization, but having just started learning Python, pickling works, too.  As I stated earlier, standard objects work just fine when using Object.factory() or ClassInfo.find().create().  It's template  classes that are the issue.  Either method returns null.  I think it has something to do with the ClassInfo.name for the templated class.

class MyDict(T) : ISerial
    T[char[]] dict;
    void load(InStream s);
    void save(OutStream s);

MyDict!(int).classinfo.name == "MyDict!(int).MyDict"; // Why the extra .MyDict appended to the end??


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