GUI strategy?

Gregor Richards Richards at
Fri Sep 28 10:04:49 PDT 2007

Regan Heath wrote:
> Gregor Richards wrote:
>> People complain that D needs a GUI because people are stupid and 
>> incompetent, and don't understand the concept of third-party libraries.
> Harsh.. I prefer to think they are simply un-enlightened as to the 
> presence of dsource.  I think having a standard D gui library alongside 
> the standard D library would be beneficial, even if it just does the 
> basics.  As long as it is enough to get people coding in D.
> Regan

Yes, because having a standard GUI library has proven oh-so-beneficial 
in the past. Lesse ...

  1) AWT is the standard. Whoops, that sucks, so let's write
  2) Swing, the new standard. Whoops, that sucks, so lots of things use
  3) SWT, which is not standard in that it is not part of the standard 

  1) Tkinter. Whoops, that sucks, so people wrote
  <place huge list of good libraries here>

  1) DWT. Who cares about platform compatibility or maintenance?

Lesson learned? The standard always sucks because the standard can never 
change, and people will continue to use the standard even when there are 
superior alternatives. The desire to add GUIs to a standard library is 
part of the common ridiculously-poor design of monolithic standard 
libraries, and thankfully it doesn't have much steam for D.

  - Gregor Richards

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