Right now, what's the most important for the success and adoption of D?

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Sun Sep 30 04:50:56 PDT 2007

Jascha Wetzel wrote:
> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>> Jascha Wetzel wrote:
>>> Aziz K. wrote:
>>>> That's what I think, too. By the way, my compiler (only front-end 
>>>> with no semantic analysis yet) has over 13000 lines as I speak, and 
>>>> it's pretty awesome code :P
>>> for the sake of competition, since we're talking about a lexer and 
>>> parser, here is one that has about 2000 lines of easily maintainable 
>>> code ;)
>>> http://seatd.mainia.de/
>> Hum, I've just realized that project also has a lot in common with 
>> what I'm doing right in the Mmrnmhrm IDE (semantic functionality), 
>> more than I'd thought.
> unfortunately i'm not sure whether we can join forces, because of the 
> different platforms/approaches we use - Java vs. D/native, manually 
> implemented vs. automatically generated lexer/parser.
> but since i'm mainly targeting (compact) editors (like SciTE and soon 
> Vim) and you are aiming at a full scale IDE, we won't stand in each 
> other's way, either.

Well, I wasn't implying we should join forces, I was just pointing that 
out. Like you said, we're taking different approaches, although I think 
the most significant issue is that you'll be using D and me Java (so 
that you have more language features available). I dont' see 
Lexer/parser issues having much impact as semantic functionality works 
from the AST onward (and I use my own AST, not DMD's one).
One thing though that we could share is test cases for semantic 
functionality. I've made some for Mmrnmhrm and hope to add and improve 
them in the future, as long as I have available time.

The test I have are available here, but I'm currently in the process of 
cleaning them up and making them less brittle (less offset dependent) :
Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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