Standard Event Driven Object Library for D

Brian White bcwhite at
Tue Apr 1 11:38:48 PDT 2008

> I guess you're looking for something D-native and more high-level, but
> I guess my D "bindings" for libev[1] could be of your interest. For know,
> I have just a git repository[2], but there are some examples and tests in
> the repository you can find useful as "documentation".

I'm looking D-native, yes, but really pretty low-level.  The generic 
event throw/catch model (aka "signals & slots") works great for generic 
concepts like "the user just selected a new color" because many 
independent objects may be interested in it, or none may be interested. 
  It's very arbitrary.

When it comes to I/O, however, things behave somewhat differently. 
There is typically a chain of objects that are interested and the 
ability to pass an event up that chain, modifying it or altering it as 
appropriate, works very well.

This has been my experience with my C++ library, anyway.

-- Brian

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