Knight's Challenge in D

Georg Wrede georg at
Thu Apr 3 13:38:35 PDT 2008

Chris Miller wrote:
> Hmm...  Excellent point.  I'll have to rethink my submission
> mechanism.  I was going to give an email address, though sadly
> whenever I put it on the 'net in one more location, that invariably
> creates more spam for me.

On a web site you could put the mail address simply in a picture.

And another idea: many big sites have these distorted text string 
pictures you have to type in, sort of like a password to prove that 
you're human. Now, most of these are entirely random, computer 
generated, and whatever else fancy.

On a small-volume low profile site (no disrespect intended here), making 
these could be just as simple as writing, say 20 random strings in your 
own handwriting (maybe quickly and sloppily) on a piece of dirty paper, 
digitizing them, and then showing one of them at random to the user.


Never pay for a lock stronger than the door. -- Anon.

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