Fully transitive const is not necessary

Leandro Lucarella llucax at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 09:37:21 PDT 2008

Steven Schveighoffer, el  4 de abril a las 09:24 me escribiste:
> class C
> {
>    // this is like a struct passed as an argument to all methods, and is 
> always mutable
>    nonstate
>    {
>        int c;
>    }
>    // is passed an implicit nonstate pointer to the nonstate values
>    int f(int x) const
>    {
>        return nonstate.c++;
>    }
> }

Why don't you just do something like this:

static int[C] nonstate;
class C
   // is passed an implicit nonstate pointer to the nonstate values
   int f(int x) const
       return nonstate[this] += 1;

If nonstate is not part of the object, why to put it in it? I this the
cache-problem is a very specific problem, which is OK to have a specific
solution. Even more, I find a lot more clear if the cache it's outside the
class, because is not part of it (if it's not part of the state of the
object, it's not part of the object at all!).

So C.f() is clearly not pure, but it's const, it doesn't change the state
of the object.

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo: http://www.mazziblog.com.ar/blog/
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