What is the correct use of auto?
Unknown W. Brackets
unknown at simplemachines.org
Thu Apr 10 20:28:22 PDT 2008
A great example is when using a library. Instead of using a "void*" or
something like that, you'd use an auto.
auto valueType = library.getSomething();
auto souffle = library.makeSomethingSouffle(valueType);
Another use is when a particular section of your code doesn't care about
the type, and you're just paper-pushing. This way, even if you need to
change the type later, you don't have to revisit the code (just
recompile it.)
It's also handy for this:
auto abc = new com.example.somethinglong.modulename.Package();
Although mostly you would use an alias for that anyway.
And that's not even mentioning templates, where it's very very useful.
Hans W. Uhlig wrote:
> I have been reading through the specification and playing with D more
> and more, what is the purpose of auto. I can understand in languages
> with scalar types handling datatypes on assignment but on a strictly
> typed language like C or D when would auto(as a variable declaration)
> provide more useful functionality then it removes from readability.
> When would this be useful rather then simply specifying the type?
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