On the richness of C++
bekkah at web.de
Wed Apr 16 12:40:20 PDT 2008
Jason House Wrote:
> The only thing I'm contesting is your statement that closures eliminate the need for a bind library. While it's true they reduce the need for a bind library, they don't eliminate it.
Instead of call some strange bind function just create a closure taking the still unbound arguments that calles the function.
I'm not a d-Programmer, but in other languages this is very easy.
e.g. Haskell
foo x y z = x + y + z
bar f = f 9
-- Pass bar a version of foo wich has two arguments bound
bar \y -> foo 1 y 7
Or Ruby:
def foo (x, y, z)
return x + y + z
def bar (f)
return f(9)
bar |y| { foo(1, y, 7) }
Or in C#
int foo(int x, int y, int z)
return x + y + z;
int bar (Func<int, int> f)
return f(9);
bar(y => foo(1, y, 7));
Is C++'s bind realy any simpler?
int foo(int x, int y, int z)
return x + y + z;
int bar (boost:function<int(int)> const & f)
return f(9);
bar(boost::bind(foo, 1, _1, 7));
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