A few simple syntactic proposals

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 17:38:01 PDT 2008

Okay, I read the "handling constructive criticism" topic and Walter's 
reply where he suggests that proposals should go into bugzilla. Based on 
that, I want to start a topic on _MINOR_ changes to the syntax and 
semantics of D that most people should agree upon. If there's any 
objection to these at all, it probably warrants more discussion before 
going into bugzilla, but otherwise these should be added as bugs.

All of these proposals apply to D2 only. D1 needs to remain as stable as 
possible, IMO, though a few of these might be candidates for backporting.

I'll start us off with 3 off the top of my head:

1. Remove "delete aa[key]" as a syntactic equivalent to "aa.delete(key)" 
for associative arrays. It's been deprecated in both branches of D but 
needs to go from D2, since it goes against the D philosophy of 
unambiguous parsing without semantic analysis.

2. Allow interfaces that are not sub-interfaces of IUnknown to be 
explicitly "delete"d.

3. String literals should be typed as dynamic arrays. This would mean 
that "foo" would be of type invariant(char)[] not type 
invariant(char)[3u] . Note that this would have the disadvantage of 
requiring an explicit cast if the string literal were to be needed as a 
static array, but how many times have you actually used a string literal 
to initialize a static array (or used a static array at all...?)

Anyone has the right to veto any proposal here, but if there aren't any 
vetos I may add them to bugzilla.

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