Anyone come up with some cool algorithms/templates for D lately?

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Fri Apr 18 17:38:05 PDT 2008

Michel Fortin wrote:
> On 2008-04-17 23:32:03 -0400, Bill Baxter <dnewsgroup at> said:
>> Psst -- don't tell anyone but ...
>> opDot... coming to a DMD near you soon.
> opDot? I'd like to hear why it would be named this way instead of 
> opMember, opFwd, or anything telling what usage the operator is about 
> instead of what it looks like. There's a reason Walter has choosen 
> opAdd, opDiv, opSlice, etc. instead of opPlus, opSlash, opBrakets, etc. 
> and I feel it was a very good idea. Why move away from this?
> I know there's a precedent (opStar), but I'd like to hear the rationale 
> behind this choice too (why isn't it called opDeref?).

There was a big thread about that one too where everyone complained that 
it didn't make sense and violated Walter's own proclamations about how 
operator functions should be named.  But in the end he just ignored the 
debate.  Hmmm, but it looks like no one ever filed anything about it. 
Time to fire up bugzilla.


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