Library standardization

Sean Kelly sean at
Sat Apr 19 08:27:48 PDT 2008

== Quote from e-t172 (e-t172 at's article
> Koroskin Denis a écrit :
> - Ability to distribute closed-source libraries. I'm against
> closed-source libraries, but I know that a lot of people need them.
> Of course, header files also means additional maintenance issues. But it
> shouldn't be too hard to write a program which automatically extract the
> declarations and compile-time code out of a .d file, and use it to
> generate a header file. This way, each time a .d file is modified, the
> Makefile (or any other build system) would automatically trigger the
> regeneration of the associated header file.
> P.S.: I'm not talking about .di files here. Last time I tried to
> generate .di files, implementation was still included in them.

The bodies of functions that can be inlined are included by default
in .di files.  Recently, I suggested that this feature be sensitive to
the -inline flag when creating the .di file.  It would be easy to
implement and it seems logical to boot.  Feel free to submit it as
an enhancement request, or any other ideas you have on this issue.


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