Sort! string[][]

Brian Myers bmyers at
Wed Apr 23 11:39:47 PDT 2008

The sort! template in std.algorithm doesn't seem to work. The following code:

import std.string;
import std.algorithm;

void main(char[][] args)
    string[] words = ["c", "ab", "bb"];
    sort!("a < b", SortStrategy.stable)(words);
    assert(words == ["ab", "bb", "c"]);

This code gives the following error:

C:\Documents and Settings\dag033\D\d_dedup>dmd -g hello.d
hello.d(10): template std.algorithm.sort(alias less,SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.unstable,alias iterSwap = .iterSwap,R
ange) does not match any function template declaration
hello.d(10): template std.algorithm.sort(alias less,SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.unstable,alias iterSwap = .iterSwap,R
ange) cannot deduce template function from argument types !("a < b",int)(invariant(char)[][])

I must admit I really haven't wrapped my head around the way templates work yet. I certainly get the over all idea, but the subtleties of type deduction and instantiation still elude me in non-trivial cases. What's going on here?


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