
Janice Caron caron800 at
Wed Apr 30 06:37:17 PDT 2008

2008/4/30 Matti Niemenmaa <see_signature at for.real.address>:
> It's possible that, in some obscure case, you can't uppercase UTF-16 in
> place either.

Perhaps surprisingly, that's not so. This is because the alphabets of
*ALL* living languages exist within Unicode's "Basic Multilingual
Plane" (...which is to say, they can be encoded in a single wchar).

The characters outside the BMP (...those which need a dchar, not a
wchar...) are the letters of dead languages, or other special symbols.

The probability that a letter from a living language will uppercase to
a letter of a dead language is as near to zero as makes no odds.

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