
Toki thorstenkiefer at
Sat Aug 2 16:00:35 PDT 2008

Benji Smith Wrote:

> > sorry I meant you can use an associative array with a boolean dummy 
> > value, e.g.:
> > bool[uint] myset;
> It's not *quite* the same.
> A java TreeSet<T> uses a red-black tree implementation rather than a 
> hashtable implementation (like the java HashSet<T> class). Consequently, 
> a TreeSet<T>.ValueIterator will always iterate the values in their 
> natural ordering, whereas a HashSet<T>.ValueIterator makes no guarantees 
> about its iteration ordering.
> I don't know whether Tango provides any equivalent containers. Tango 
> definitely has TreeMap and TreeBag implementations, but there doesn't 
> seem to be a TreeSet.
> Someone with more Tango expertise could probably clarify...
> --benji

Thnak you,
that's what I was looking for.
But the next question: is tango available for dmd, or only for gdc ?


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