Is this intended behavior?

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Sun Aug 10 07:16:22 PDT 2008

"Jacob Carlborg" <doobnet at> wrote in message 
news:g7mqd2$2rab$1 at
> downs wrote:
>> Try .id
> Yeah that works but I'm porting a library from Java to D so it breaks the 
> interface and I have to replace every "id" with ".id". For now I have 
> changed the member variable to "id_" then I can do a global search and 
> replace for "" and replace to "this.id_". I've solved my problem 
> but I was wondering if this was the intended behavior or a bug.

It's intended behavior.  Name lookup happens from the innermost scope 
outwards, and does not depend upon how the name is used.  Since 'id' is a 
member of the class, it finds that first, rather than the class 'id'.  Maybe 
Java keeps looking for another name 'id' that can be used as a type? 

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