Multiple Inheritance of Classes
Denis Koroskin
2korden at
Wed Aug 13 11:04:43 PDT 2008
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 22:02:14 +0400, Steven Schveighoffer
<schveiguy at> wrote:
> "lurker" wrote
>> Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:
>>> "lurker" wrote
>>> >I hate to even think of it but on this one I am with Superdan. Don't
>>> get
>>> >me
>>> >wrong I think he is the worst scar this group has. I think he has a
>>> real
>>> >problem with the way he treats people and I wouldn't want to be his
>>> >coworker or neighbor. Most of his posts are so vile I feel like puking
>>> >when
>>> >I read them and I blocked him a long time ago. In this thread I saw
>>> his
>>> >posts in quotes and I almost wish I didn't. But I have to say if he
>>> had
>>> >minimal skills at writing he would of won this argument hands down.
>>> >
>>> > I for one was firmly in the "mi is evil" camp on unclear grounds of
>>> > ambiguity. Lars feel-good post only inforced that. Now my
>>> understanding
>>> > has changed. (Many thanks especially to Dee Girl.)
>>> >
>>> > Most disappointing is one thing. When Lars answered to Superdan in a
>>> > civilized manner he had an excellent opportunity at showing his
>>> class.
>>> > But
>>> > he missed it by neither affirming nor denying he knew about the
>>> layout
>>> > problem. That leaves us facing the uncomfortable possibility that he
>>> > didn't know about it but he did not have the strength to admit it.
>>> I think you completely misunderstood the original question along with
>>> Lars'
>>> answer. A simple question was asked. Why does D not have Multiple
>>> inheritance. A simple answer was given. Because many people don't
>>> like
>>> it,
>>> including the author (and me incidentally). What more explaining is
>>> necessary from someone who has observed this?
>> Yes it has no bearing. But since you answer I could not resist :) The
>> question asked was different. I will quote it below. It included a
>> question about possible technical difficulties.
>>> It's like if I said to Lars "I don't like pizza" (which I actually
>>> love,
>>> but
>>> that's beside the point). And Chris asks a group of people, "why
>>> doesn't
>>> Steve eat pizza? Is it because he doesn't like it?", and Lars says
>>> "Yes,
>>> because he doesn't like it. Many people don't like it", and you cry
>>> foul
>>> and tell him off and he should not answer questions unless he *knows*
>>> the
>>> details.
>> The comparison is nonseqitur. He did not say anything about liking, he
>> made an absolute statement. Let me partly quote the question and the
>> answer.
>> Q: "What is the current state of thought about Multiple Inheritance for
>> classes in D? I'd like to have that feature, since it'd make some
>> stuff I
>> want to do a bit easier. Is it not there because it's not worth the
>> effort to implement? Because it's evil and needs to die (I don't know,
>> some people could possibly be adamantly anti-MI)?"
>> A: "This is actually the reason, not the adamantly anti-MI part, just
>> that
>> MI is
>> evil and that is well acknowledged almost everywhere. You will find good
>> argumentation against it if you look, too."
>> Translated to pizza. Actually make it eggs because eggs are
>> controversial.
>> I saw egg whites as healthy items on the menu. The waitress said only
>> yolks are bad because they have cholesterol. Had no idea.
>> Q: "What is the current state of thought about eggs? I'd like to eat
>> eggs, since it'd make some cheese a bit easier to eat. Are eggs not
>> recommended because they are not not worth eating? Because they are evil
>> and need to die (I don't know, some people could possibly be adamantly
>> anti-eggs)?"
>> A: "This is actually the reason, not the adamantly anti-eggs part, just
>> that eggs are
>> evil and that is well acknowledged almost everywhere. You will find good
>> argumentation against it if you look, too."
>> Didn't even have to change much of the answer. That answer is terrible
>> in
>> programming or kitchen domain. Superdan barged in and through his usual
>> verbal abuse and disgusting curses he almost by mistake leaked useful
>> information on objective nutritional data on egg yolks and egg whites.
>> BTW
>> pardon me if I post as lurker because I don't want my name to fall in
>> his
>> mouth.
> Except that in the case of MI, the reasoning actually *is* because the
> author doesn't like it (translate, views as evil), and there is probably
> reasoning behind that (namely, experience with MI). The view that MI is
> evil does not come from just some random political cause, trying to
> eliminate MI from all programming languages.
> My whole beef with superdan's post is not with anything technical he
> said.
> I think what he says makes a lot of sense and was very interesting. The
> problem is the way he bashes the answerer, who is stating what he
> believes
> is the reason. In the interests of keeping this a civil forum with
> people
> not afraid to ask questions or not afraid to speak their mind without
> getting a barrage of mean-spirited obscenities, I think superdan needs to
> tone down his posts. It's not a healthy environment for productive
> discussion.
> FWIW, I have no problem with obscenities (not that I'm encouraging that,
> generally it doesn't get you as far in life to swear all the time), but
> I do
> have a problem with bullying.
> -Steve
Please, stop that!
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