The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

Christopher Wright dhasenan at
Wed Aug 13 19:27:28 PDT 2008

lurker wrote:
> Hullo,
> Thats not happening now or recently. The ball its been rotting in Tango's court for one year plus. This is huge. I might need a couple days to process this information. Naming names is scary but, ..... is Walter saying Kris and Lars "MI Is Evil" Igesund deliberately prevented unification progress?
> One thing for sure. 
> assert(cat !in bag);
> -Lurker

Dozens of people have worked on Tango. Tracking who owns the code is 
nontrivial, as is contacting some of them. It might be impossible to get 
a license change cleared.

Of course, if Walter replaced the Phobos runtime entirely with Tango's, 
that might not be an issue. But it would involve using the BSD license 
for those parts.

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