The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at
Thu Aug 14 13:02:38 PDT 2008

Walter Bright Wrote:
> The problems are two:
> 1. Phobos has already been accused of stealing code from Tango. 
> Therefore, I would like explicit permission from the Tango team. I am 
> not going to take code from Tango and put it in Phobos without explicit 
> permission from the Tango team. Any hint of Phobos not having a clean 
> legal pedigree will impair its adoption.
> 2. Having multiple licenses for one source module is an untenable situation.

>From reading this thread, it seems Sean gave permission for the Tango
runtime to be re-licensed under the Phobos one. Given this, is the
roadblock that you also need permission for the user code or that Sean's
permission given for the runtime was not explicit enough?

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