The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

Sean Kelly sean at
Fri Aug 15 10:43:16 PDT 2008

Jason House wrote:
> Walter Bright Wrote:
>> Sean has emailed me an archive of the code that he owns the rights to. I 
>>   believe this is probably sufficient to get compatibility, in which 
>> case that is plenty good enough.
> I'd hate for this thread to end with an apparent resolution only to flair up after another year of no progress.
> What are the next steps?  I assume it'll take a few months to fully integrate the two code bases, but we should be able to know sooner than that if what Sean sent you want enough to integrate the runtimes or not.
> I assume that the risk of legal taint will prevent you from doing a combined release of dmd v1.x, common runtime, phobos, and tango?  Even without that, I assume releasing Tango with the dmd compiler may hamper the overall release process.
> Even so, once there's a common runtime, it'd be nice if we could have a combined releases of dmd+phobos+tango.  If a community member provided a combo release (probably following a Tango release), would you put it up as a downloadable item on the digital mars site?

The Tango team has provided such a release for quite a while now.  It's 
the binary release with Tangobos bundled, and includes the latest DMD, 
Tango, and Phobos (as Tangobos) all in a single package.  We could even 
produce a nightly binary snapshot bundle if anyone cared... right now 
we're just producing a plain old Tango binary snapshot.


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