The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Fri Aug 15 13:08:17 PDT 2008

Walter Bright wrote:
> Paul D. Anderson wrote:
>> Thanks for clarifying this, and I apologize, Walter, and reiterate my
>> appreciation for what you do. But I was expressing my frustration at
>> what I thought the situation was. If there was discussion about
>> licensing issues I missed it. (I missed your earlier post in this
>> thread because I was busy "composing" my tirade.)
>> From my point of view this puts the ball squarely back in Tango's
>> court. Is there a fundamental problem here? Can we move forward?
> I have not spoken out on it before out of respect for the Tango 
> developers' right to license Tango as they see fit. These discussions 
> have been done via email, not on a public forum. I know that not all of 
> the Tango developers were involved with it, as quite a diverse group has 
> worked on Tango, and I apologize for that.
> But it is clearly time to bring this out into the open.

Thanks for bringing it out, at least it helps us "observers" have a 
better picture of why the current status quo. And indeed I was thinking 
that the ball was almost entirely in your court. ~~'

Bruno Medeiros - Software Developer, MSc. in CS/E graduate

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