Tango vs Phobos

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Fri Aug 15 13:32:31 PDT 2008

Robert Fraser wrote:
> Sean Kelly Wrote:
>> == Quote from Moritz Warning (moritzwarning at web.de)'s article
>>> On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:29:45 +0400, Denis Koroskin wrote:
>>>> The biggest issue is diffent Tango and Phobos runtime implementation, I
>>>> think.
>>>> I didn't find any bugzilla reports on this subject, though. :(
>>> I haven't taken a look at those runtime implementation differences,
>>> but I wonder why there are no activities to solve this issue.
>>> It makes it look like the participants are playing the golden throne
>>> game...
>> Unfortunately, for this to be resolved it requires cooperation from both
>> sides.  It takes two to Tango, as they say (sorry, bad joke).
>> Sean
> I see the D community heading for a split. One side will be D1 (hopefully a D 1.5) +tango, and the other side will be D2+phobos.  I don't think of this as a bad thing nessescarily, just two different directions.

Oh, it would definitely be bad, that's for sure. Any such duplication of 
effort in a developing language such as D would be very harmful. Having 
two standard libraries is already bad IMO, but having each standard 
library force the use of a particular D language version... now that 
would be disastrous!

Bruno Medeiros - Software Developer, MSc. in CS/E graduate

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