The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

Yigal Chripun yigal100 at
Sat Aug 16 11:55:39 PDT 2008

Mike Parker wrote:
> downs wrote:
>> Note that they used the word "Piracy". Not "Stealing".
>> I wish you'd remember that more.
> Yeah, because capturing vessels on the high seas has a lot more in
> common with illegally obtaining copyable goods than "stealing" does.

Why can't we fu*king call the dog by his name?
when a person infringes someone else' copyrights he's not pirating (as
you said it, pirating is "capturing vessels on the high seas") and he's
not stealing. that person _*infringes*_ someone else' copyrights.
Why is that so difficult for people to use the correct word?
infringe. here I just used it myself. If anyone has deep issues with
that we can also use "violate". no need to invent new words for an
already well defined concept just to satisfy someone's (MPAA, RIAA, etc)
PR goals.

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