Tango vs Phobos

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Mon Aug 25 11:26:52 PDT 2008

Walter Bright wrote:
> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>> But in reading Frank Benoit's post in the full closure thread below, 
>> I've already seen one meanwhile. I didn't know the compiler 
>> heap-allocated a local in every situation where a local is used as an 
>> outer variable. That indeed puts a serious burden on the use of scoped 
>> closures :(
> It doesn't do it in every situation. It does it in a situation where a 
> pointer is taken to a function that accesses it.

Hum, that's right, I hadn't noticed. My previous comment was due to the 
fact that I was always experimenting with delegate literals. And 
unfortunately a delegate literal itself counts as "taking a pointer to a 
function", so any outer variable used in a delegate literal will be 
allocated. :/

Bruno Medeiros - Software Developer, MSc. in CS/E graduate

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