Why Strings as Classes?

Christopher Wright dhasenan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 20:15:24 PDT 2008

superdan wrote:
> Benji Smith Wrote:
>> superdan wrote:
>>> relax. believe me i'm tryin', maybe you could put it a better way and meet me in the middle.
>> Okay. I'll try :)
> 'preciate that.
>> Think about a collection API.
> okay.
>> The container classes are all written to satisfy a few basic primitive 
>> operations: you can get an item at a particular index, you can iterate 
>> in sequence (either forward or in reverse). You can insert items into a 
>> hashtable or retrieve them by key. And so on.
> how do you implement getting an item at a particular index for a linked list? 

class Node(T)
	Node!(T) next;
	T value;

class LinkedList(T)
	Node!(T) head;

	/** Gets the ith item of the list. Throws: SIGSEGV if i >= length of 
the list. Time complexity: O(N) for a list of length N. This operation 
is provided for completeness and not recommended for frequent use in 
large lists. */
	T opIndex(int i)
		auto current = head;
		while (i)
			current = current.next;
		return current.value;

> how do you make a hashtable, an array, and a linked list obey the same interface? guess hashtable has stuff that others don't support?

You have an interface for collections (you can add, remove, and get the 
length, maybe a couple other things).

You have an interface for lists (they're collections, and you can index 

Then you can use all the collection-oriented stuff with lists, and you 
can do special list-type things with them if you want.

> these are serious questions. not in jest not rhetorical and not trick.

Yes, but they're solved problems.

>> Someone else comes along and writes a library of algorithms. The 
>> algorithms can operate on any container that implements the necessary 
>> operations.
> hm. things are starting to screech a bit. but let's see your answers to your questions above.
>> When someone clever comes along and writes a new sorting algorithm, I 
>> can plug my new container class right into it, and get the algorithm for 
>> free. Likewise for the guy with the clever new collection class.
> things ain't that simple.

Collection-oriented library code will care sufficiently about 
performance that this mix-and-match stuff is not feasible. Almost 
anything else doesn't care enough to take only an 
AssociativeArrayHashSet and not a TreeSet or a LinkedList or a primitive 

> saw this flick "the devil wears prada", an ok movie but one funny remark stayed with me. "you are in desperate need of chanel." 
> i'll paraphrase. "you are in desperate need of stl." you need to learn stl and then you'll figure why you can't plug a new sorting algorithm into a container. you need more guarantees. and you need iterators.
>> We don't bat an eye at the idea of containers & algorithms connecting to 
>> one another using a reciprocal set of interfaces.
> i do. it's completely wrong. you need iterators that broker between containers and algos. and iterators must give complexity guarantees.

I don't. If I'm just going to iterate through the items of a collection, 
I only care about the opApply. If I need to index stuff, I don't care if 
I get a primitive array or Bob Dole's brand-new ArrayList class.

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