Why Strings as Classes?

Walter Bright newshound1 at digitalmars.com
Tue Aug 26 12:12:50 PDT 2008

bearophile wrote:
> Walter Bright:
>>> We've already observed that D assoc arrays are less performant
>>> than even Python maps, so the extra cost of lookup operations is
>>> unwelcome.
>> Every one of those benchmarks that purported to show that D AA's
>> were relatively slow turned out to be, on closer examination, D
>> running the garbage collector more often than Python does. It had
>> NOTHING to do with the AA's.
> Really? I must have missed those conclusions then, despite reading
> all the posts on the subject. What solutions do you propose for the
> problem then? I recall that disabling the GC didn't improve the
> situation much. So the problem now becomes how to improve the D GC?

In my experience with such programs, disabling the collection cycles 
brought the speed up to par.

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