How to force a thread to unwind it's stack?

Sascha Katzner at spam.invalid
Wed Aug 27 08:04:34 PDT 2008

Why is there no way in D to force a thread to unwind it's stack, for 
example by sending it an exception like you do in Java with 

Suppose you have an application which has a thread that has some 
important resources which need to be released before the application can 
quit and this thread is currently busy with something which is out of 
your sphere of influence (like waiting for a network packet or 
something), so that in the foreseeable future it can't look for a flag 
of the main thread to quit and release it's resources. How do you force 
this thread to terminate without compromising the resources it holds or 
having to release the resources manually in the main thread?

Here is an example of how D could implement this stack unwinding:
" handling in 
multi-threaded applications" (8th point)

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