Why Strings as Classes?

Michiel Helvensteijn nomail at please.com
Wed Aug 27 09:49:13 PDT 2008

Dee Girl wrote:

>> Yes, the first 'trick' makes it a different datastructure. The second
>> does not. Would you still be opposed to using opIndex if its
>> time-complexity is O(log n)?
> This is different question. And tricks are not answer for problem. Problem
> is list has other access method than array.

And what's the answer?

>> With that second trick the loop would have the same complexity for lists.
> Not for singly linked lists.

Yeah, also for singly linked lists.

>> But putting that aside for the moment, are you saying you would allow
>> yourself to be deceived by a syntax detail? No, mentally attaching O(1)
>> to the *subscripting operator* is simply a legacy from C, where it is
>> syntactic sugar for pointer arithmetic.
> I do not think so. I am sorry. If a[n] is not allowed then other array
> access primitive is allowed. Give index(a, n) as example. If language say
> index(a, n) is array access then it is big mistake for list to also define
> index(a, n). List maybe should define findAt(a, n). Then array also can
> define findAt(a, n). It is not mistake.

Yes, I agree for "array access". That term implies O(1), since it uses the
word "array". But I was argueing against the subscripting operator to be
forced into O(1).

>> Lists allocate memory for bare nodes, but never have to copy their
>> elements. Arrays have to move their whole content to a larger memory
>> location each time they are outgrown. For more complex data-types that
>> means potentially very expensive copies.
> I think this is mistake. I think you should google "amortized complexity".
> Maybe that can help much.

Amortized complexity has nothing to do with it. Dynamic arrays have to copy
their elements and lists do not. It's as simple as that.

>> But don't you understand that if this tool did exist, and the language
>> had a standard notation for time/space-complexity, I could simply write:
>> sequence<T> s;
>> /* fill sequence */
>> sort(s);
>> And the compiler (in cooperation with this 'tool') could automatically
>> find the most effective combination of data-structure and algorithm. The
>> code would be more readable and efficient.
> Michiel-san, STL does that. Or I misunderstand you?

STL will choose the right sorting algorithm, given a specific
data-structure. But I am saying it may be possible also for the
data-structure to be automatically chosen, based on what the programmer
does with it.


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