Prototypes (was: Why Strings as Classes?)

Manfred_Nowak svv1999 at
Thu Aug 28 04:33:47 PDT 2008

Walter Bright wrote:

> I invite you to look at the code in internal/aaA.d and do some
> testing! 

This invitation is a red herring without the offer to change the 
language, because there exists no implementation for AA covering all 
possible use cases.

The bare minimum to get anything out of fiddling with the 
implemenations for AA is the posibility to use the results of adaptions 
without considerable overhead especially for the declarations. However, 
currenty I do not see any elegant solution, because types of 
implementation of maps are given implicitely.

At least something like prototyping seems to be necessary:

|    int[ char[]] map;
|    Prototype= typeof( map);
|    Prototype.implementation= MyAA;

where MyAA is some class type implementing the interface required for 

Are you willing to do something in this direction?

If life is going to exist in this Universe, then the one thing it 
cannot afford to have is a sense of proportion. (Douglas Adams)

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