bearophileHUGS at
Sat Aug 30 14:45:55 PDT 2008
dsimcha Wrote:
> I've noticed something strange with the setTypeInfo() function in gc.d. Ran
> into it trying to write some custom allocation functions for dynamic arrays.
> writefln(typeid(uint).flags); //Returns 0.
> writefln(typeid(float).flags); //Returns 0.
> writefln(typeid(uint*).flags); //Returns 1.
> writefln(typeid(void*).flags); //Returns 1.
Ah, for that purpose I have used the following monster (take a look at my last post too
import std.traits: FieldTypeTuple;
template IsType(T, Types...) {
// Original idea by Burton Radons, modified
static if (Types.length == 0)
const bool IsType = false;
const bool IsType = is(T == Types[0]) || IsType!(T, Types[1 .. $]);
template ArrayType1(T: T[]) {
alias T ArrayType1;
template IsReferenceType(Types...) {
static if (Types.length == 0) {
const bool IsReferenceType = false;
} else static if (Types.length == 1) {
static if (IsType!(Types[0], bool, byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint,
long, ulong, float, double, real, ifloat, idouble,
ireal, cfloat, cdouble, creal, char, dchar, wchar) ) {
const bool IsReferenceType = false;
} else static if ( is(Types[0] == struct) ) {
const bool IsReferenceType = IsReferenceType!(FieldTypeTuple!(Types[0]));
} else static if (IsStaticArray!(Types[0])) {
const bool IsReferenceType = IsReferenceType!(ArrayType1!(Types[0]));
} else
const bool IsReferenceType = true;
} else
const bool IsReferenceType = IsReferenceType!(Types[0]) |
IsReferenceType!(Types[1 .. $]);
} // end IsReferenceType!()
template IsArray(T) {
const bool IsArray = is(typeof(T.length)) && is(typeof(T.sort)) &&
is(typeof(T.reverse)) && is(typeof(T.dup));
template IsDynamicArray(T) {
// Adapted from the module tango.core.Traits, (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly, BSD style licence
const bool IsDynamicArray = is( typeof(T.init[0])[] == T );
template IsStaticArray(T) {
const bool IsStaticArray = IsArray!(T) && (!IsDynamicArray!(T));
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