Optimal struct layout template?

Denis Koroskin 2korden at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 05:12:22 PST 2008

On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 01:38:32 +0300, Sergey Gromov <snake.scaly at gmail.com>  

> Thu, 18 Dec 2008 00:21:58 +0300, Denis Koroskin wrote:
>> On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 00:12:18 +0300, Sergey Gromov  
>> <snake.scaly at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:09:41 +0100, Don wrote:
>>>> Example 2:
>>>> struct Foo { double, int } // 12 byte size, wants 8-byte alignment.
>>> Foo.sizeof is 16.
>> It is 12 with align(1) (I see no problem with it).
> With align(1) the Foo.alignof is 1 so there is no problem to talk about.
> The problem is when you have elements with non-trivial alignment
> requirements and want to pack them as tightly as possible.

No, there is. You should have structure as follows:

struct Foo
     char c;
     double d;
     short s;
     bool b;

it should be reordered to (one of the solutions):

struct Foo
     char c;
     bool b;
     short s;
     double d;

so that Foo.d.alignof == 8. Align(1) is still necessary so that Foo.sizeof  
== 12.

>>> The thing is, array of Foo's must be properly aligned, and &foo[1] must
>>> be cast(byte*) &foo[0] + Foo.sizeof.  This means that Foo.sizeof must  
>>> be
>>> itself 8-aligned.  The solution is { Foo, Foo, int, int }.
>> Stop right there. You can't access &foo[1] no matter what align or
>> structure layout is used. Example:
>> align(default):
>> struct Data
>> {
>>      int i1;
>>      short s2;
>>      char c1;
>>      int 12;
>> }
>> What is &i1[1]?
> i1 is not an array.
> Sorry I wasn't clear enough.  I was talking about an imaginary array of
> Foo's:
>   Foo[] foo;
> You must admit that foo[1] and &foo[1] makes perfect sense for such
> construct.  And that
>   cast(byte*) &foo[1] - cast(byte*) &foo[0] == Foo.sizeof
> must hold.

This will *always* be true no matter what align/data layout is used.

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