dmd platform support - poll

Yigal Chripun yigal100 at
Thu Dec 25 13:35:03 PST 2008

Walter Bright wrote:
> What platforms for dmd would you be most interested in using?
> .net
> jvm
> mac osx 32 bit intel
> mac osx 64 bit intel
> linux 64 bit
> windows 64 bit
> freebsd 32 bit
> netbsd 32 bit
> other?

64bit - both windows and linux.

personally I don't see a point in JVM/.NET - One of the best things 
about D is that you get the ease of use of Ruby/python/etc with the 
benefits of native compiling like in c/c++. Why throw that away and make 
yet another version of Java/C# ?

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