dmd platform support - poll

Tim Keating mrtact at
Fri Dec 26 13:37:11 PST 2008

Yigal Chripun Wrote:

> personally I don't see a point in JVM/.NET - One of the best things 
> about D is that you get the ease of use of Ruby/python/etc with the 
> benefits of native compiling like in c/c++. Why throw that away and make 
> yet another version of Java/C# ?

Supporting .net would give you access to the most modern and probably best-currently-supported Windows API. It would, if you counted Mono, add a very nice cross-platform UI framework. Finally, depending on what version was supported, it might enable you to write Silverlight apps in D, permitting flash-like apps that run cross-functionally in a web browser.


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