dmd platform support - poll
Yigal Chripun
yigal100 at
Tue Dec 30 15:02:42 PST 2008
Tim Keating wrote:
> Christopher Wright Wrote:
>> Tim Keating wrote:
>>> Supporting .net would give you access to the most modern and
>>> probably best-currently-supported Windows API. It would, if you
>>> counted Mono, add a very nice cross-platform UI framework.
>>> Finally, depending on what version was supported, it might enable
>>> you to write Silverlight apps in D, permitting flash-like apps
>>> that run cross-functionally in a web browser.
>> Cross-platform UI framework? You're talking about GTK#, right?
> I think you forgot a smiley :-)
> But on the off-chance you're serious... I meant WinForms (or, as of
> .Net 3, WPF, which -- on pain of getting lynched in this newsgroup --
> is the most powerful and flexible UI framework I've ever seen).
You must be kidding right?
WPF is flexible and allows 3D effects and such, I'll grant you that.
However, my laptop almost exploded of the stress of just showing a
freaking window with it, and it's a relativly new laptop.
it'a redicolus that what a pentium 2 running Linux and compiz can do
requires a 64-_core_ super computer with MS tech.
I'm not sure even my new month old icore7 pc can handle the requirements
of that particular API.
I'll wait till WPF version 40 SP100 before I'll try it again...
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