Improvement to switch-case statement

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Wed Dec 31 17:03:37 PST 2008

On 2008-12-31 18:22:32 -0500, "Adam D. Ruppe" <destructionator at> said:

> This wouldn't be any less efficient than any other switch statement; writing
> case 2..5:
>   code;
>   break;
> could just be magically converted into
> case 2:
> case 3:
> case 4:
> case 5:
>   code;
>   break;

Except that if you want to keep consistency with array slices, 2..5 
should probably not include 5 in the range, thus should be equivalent 
"case 2,3,4". Unfortunatly, that's generally not what you want when 
creating such cases. Imagine writting:

	case 'a'..'{':
	case 'A'..'[':

Concistent, yes; but not very appealing. What you want to be able to 
write is this:

	case 'a'..'z':
	case 'A'..'Z':

But then it doesn't work as elsewhere in the language anymore.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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