Non-nullable references, again

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Wed Dec 31 18:50:53 PST 2008

Benji Smith wrote:
> Don wrote:
>> Denis Koroskin wrote:
>>> Foo nonNull = new Foo();
>>> Foo? possiblyNull = null;
>  >
>> Wouldn't this cause ambiguity with the "?:" operator?
> At first, thought you might be right, and that there would some 
> ambiguity calling constructors of nullable classes (especially given 
> optional parentheses).
> But for the life of me, I couldn't come up with a truly ambiguous 
> example, that couldn't be resolved with an extra token or two of lookahead.
> The '?' nullable-type operator is only used  in type declarations, not 
> in expressions, and the '?:' operator always consumes a few trailing 
> expressions.
> Also (at least in C#) the null-coalesce operator (which converts 
> nullable objects to either a non-null instance or a default value) looks 
> like this:
>   MyClass? myNullableObj = getNullableFromSomewhere();
>   MyClass myNonNullObj = myNullableObj ?? DEFAULT_VALUE;
> Since the double-hook is a single token, it's also unambiguous to parse.
> --benji

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on compilers.  Plus, I just got up.  :P

The key is that the parser has to know what "MyClass" means before it 
can figure out what the "?" is for; that's why it's context-dependant. 
D avoids this dependency between compilation stages, because it 
complicates the compiler.  When the parser sees "MyClass", it *doesn't 
know* that it's a type, so it can't distinguish between a nullable type 
and an invalid ?: expression.

At least, I think that's how it works; someone feel free to correct me 
if it's not.  :P

   -- Daniel

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