Windows console is broken

Lars Noschinski lars-2006-1 at
Fri Feb 1 05:27:11 PST 2008

* Sean Kelly <sean at> [08-01-31 21:42]:
>Janice Caron wrote:
>> On 1/31/08, Sergey Gromov <snake.scaly at> wrote:
>> So there would be two possible fixes. Either (1), allow main to have a signature
>>     main(ubyte[][] args)
>> thereby allowing any encoding, or (2) have the D runtime convert the
>> shell arguments from the console's local encoding to UTF-8 before
>> passing to main.
>Tango does (2) on Windows.  This doesn't appear to be a problem on other
>OSes however, because the consoles there can typically be set to use
>UTF-8.  As far as I know it's just Windows that's in the stone age.

I'd think something like (1) is needed, too: E.g. Unix paths are
encoding agnostic (just a stream of bytes excluding '\0'). So to
implement for example a POSIX conforming cp command, you need a way to
get the raw, binary command line arguments.

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