Newbie initial comments on D language - scope

Edward Diener eddielee_no_spam_here at
Sun Feb 3 05:34:25 PST 2008

Janice Caron wrote:
> On 2/3/08, Edward Diener <eddielee_no_spam_here at> wrote:
>> There is no equivalent of 'const' in
>> C++ which refers to the type.
> Of course there is. For example:
>     typedef char const * PCSZ;

I think a simpler example for you to cite would have been:

typedef char const PCSZ;

But again that does not change the type of 'char'. It simply creates a 
type alias.

In arguing for 'scope' at the type level, as in 'scope class C { ... }' 
I was arguing that 'scope' applies some attribute to the type of C. The 
class designer is making a conscious decision in designing his type in 
order to tell the compiler that all objects of his type need 
deterministic destruction in a system which normally implements 
non-deterministic destruction via GC. That says something about the type 
per se.

In specifying 'const char ch' the end user is making a conscious 
decision in telling the compiler that a specific object must not change 
after it has been initialized to some value. It has nothing to do with 
the type of the object per se.

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