Multi-Thread Application problem
Benjamin Schulte
Aldoric at
Mon Feb 4 12:32:44 PST 2008
thanks for your reply. I guess this was the fact I didn't know so far. Is it for the constructor equal?
But yes, I had a sleep in the deconstructor, waiting for the other thread. I then just wonder why it worked sometimes and only a few times it didn't. But maybe there's still another bug in my applcation.
But here's the code - maybe there's still a way to optimize it. But I guess first I need to replace the deconstructor with a free-method deleting itself after freeing the resources.
ThreadCall.doEvents( ) is being called from Thread A.
class someclass {
~this( )
// Outside-Of-Thread call function( uint id ) {
glDeleteBuffersARB( 1, cast(uint*)&id );
return 0;
}, cast(uint)vboBuffer );
// Alias
alias int function( uint ) ThreadCallPtr;
* The thread call class
class ThreadCall
* Call a method
static uint call( ThreadCallPtr ptr, uint param )
uint myId = getUniqueId( );
// If myId is equal to the main thread ID, we don't
// have to wait until we can call this method
if( myId == mainThreadId )
// Call method
return ptr( param );
// Well, we have to wait for the main thread
// Create call
ThreadCall c = new ThreadCall;
c.method = ptr;
c.param = param;
// Append call to event list
mainSemaphore.enter( );
calls ~= c;
mainSemaphore.leave( );
// Wait for call to be finished
while( !c.finish ) usleep(10);
// Delete my item and return its result
int r = c.result;
delete c;
return r;
* Do all events (Called in the main thread)
static void init( )
// Get main-thread ID
mainThreadId = getUniqueId( );
mainSemaphore = new Semaphore( );
* Return an unique ID describing the current thread
static uint getUniqueId( )
// Windows method
return cast(uint)GetCurrentThreadId( );
* Do all events (Called in the main thread)
static void doEvents( )
mainSemaphore.enter( true );
// Go through every item
foreach( ThreadCall c; calls )
// Call method
c.result = c.method( c.param );
c.finish = true;
// Clear list, cause we did all
calls.length = 0;
mainSemaphore.leave( );
ThreadCallPtr method;
uint param;
int result;
bit finish = false;
static ThreadCall calls[];
static uint mainThreadId;
static Semaphore mainSemaphore;
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