Standard Library Concerns (Phobos / Tango)

Tomas Lindquist Olsen tomas at
Wed Feb 6 08:40:37 PST 2008

D1/Phobos1 needs to be taken out of Walters hands. He doesn't care about it, even though it's 
the version of D with the largest userbase. If he cared he would reply to this thread as well 
as the countless others before it (on the same topic).

Even though D2 is probably going to be finished by fall this year, I'm pretty sure there are 
lots of D users who will not migrate. D2 is basically a new language and some of the things it 
forces down your throat are some of the things I (and probably not just me) really liked not 
having to worry about. (yes I'm talking about const).

As long as Phobos1 does not receive fixes it might as well be considered dead.
To me there is no doubt on what needs to be done here. Ditch Phobos and start using Tango. The 
sooner you do it the sooner you will feel comfortable with it.

It's kinda sad, but I don't see a bright future for D when issues as important as this are 
simply just ignored.

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