Standard Library Concerns (Phobos / Tango)
Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at
Thu Feb 7 05:49:01 PST 2008
On 2008-02-06 23:10:46 -0500, Jesse Phillips <jessekphillips at> said:
> The only ones that aren't looking at switching seem to be the
> dead projects. This to me is a big indicator that Tango should take the
> stand. People are going to avoid using Tango because it is not "the"
> standard library.
I haven't used Tango that much, but each time I look at it it takes
much more time to find what I need than with Phobos. With Phobos, I
generally open the std folder, glance at the file, pick the one that
looks like it has what I need, and find what I want in it (most of the
time). In tango, this is much more difficult unless you are already
familiar with the layout of the library.
Case in point: tango.stdc.stringz; why does that deserve its own
module? There are so much tiny modules in Tango that I find it
difficult to find what I want. Still tango.stdc.stringz, I wonder why
the function to convert to a D string is called fromStringz... I can
understand the function's name, but it just seem silly to not call it
toString and take advantage of function overloading. In this case I
find Phobos approach better: string functions are concentrated in one
easy-to-find place. In Tango, you have tango.stdc.stringz, then you
have tango.text.convert.<insert your type here>, then you have
tango.text.Text, tango.text.Ascii, tango.text.Util and so on. Anyone
can guess where the replace function is (within the last three) without
looking in each module separately?
Answer: it's in tango.text.Util; tango.text.Text doesn't deal with D
strings, it's the home of the Text class (with also has a replace
function, although not the one I was searching for) and
tango.text.Ascii holds (as one would expect) functions (only four!)
relating to character case which are restricted to ASCII domain.
There are also a few stylistic things I don't like about tango:
character case for abbreviations for instance (Ascii instead of ASCII?)
and the uppercase module names.
Personally, I'd prefer to see Phobos kept as the standard library and
improved technically to the level Tango is at now.
Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at
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