Standard Library Concerns (Phobos / Tango)

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips at
Thu Feb 7 13:51:54 PST 2008

On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:48:36 -0500, ElfQT wrote:

> These pains, module-code-separation and documentation can easily be
> eased with intellisense/intellihelp in a decent IDE. Need the code of a
> tango (or whatever) object or function?: right click on any expression
> and select go to definition. Need help on a tango (or whatever) object
> or function?: showing tooltip/dynapic help generated from ddoc-comment
> in source as you type, or by pressing ctrl-space (whatever), showing
> method, parameter, return info, including overloads...
> If this will be possible who will care about how many files contain
> string functions?
> ElfQT

I think the point was it is harder to find what you want in the 
documentation, not the finding what to import. ie a what do I need search 
versus a where is this search.

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