Feature request: function prototypes

Christopher Wright dhasenan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 06:34:51 PST 2008

Robert Fraser wrote:
> This may seem like a pretty stupid request, but since I use a lot of 
> version() statements in my code; it'd be really cool to have something 
> like function signatures at the top of my file. When I declare my 
> versioned functions, I'd love to be able to have them checked against 
> prototypes declared above their use, as a first line of defense (so I 
> don't need to r-test it on different OSes and libraries if I make an 
> obvious change to one of the signatures or something).

Have a unittest? To satisfy your purposes, it just needs to call each 
function, even with invalid input. Then if everything compiles with 
-unittest, you're golden, even if that crashes.

Satisfies your requirements, anyway, and in any situation, you'd be 
duplicating the signature three times.

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