Necessities for Adoption of D

Simen Kjaeraas simen.kjaras at
Sun Feb 10 09:22:50 PST 2008

Vladimir Panteleev <thecybershadow at> wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Feb 2008 14:47:00 +0200, bearophile  
> <bearophileHUGS at> wrote:
>> Wax was developed for Python, that has named arguments too, so that  
>> Python code may look like:
>> tb = TextBox(parent, size=(400, 200), multiline=1, readonly=0, wrap=1,  
>> justify='left')
> D isn't too far off with "with" statements. Example DFL code:
> with(tb = new TextBox) { bounds = Rect(100, 100, 200, 200); multiline =  
> true; readOnly = false; wordWrap = true; parent = this; }

Now if only you could declare a new variable within a with statement. It's  
not strictly necessary, but I find

	with (auto tb = new TextBox()) { ... }

to be more aesthetically pleasing than

	auto tb = new TextBox();
	with (tb) { ... }

of course, given that with introduces a separate scope, tb might go out of  
scope the moment the with statement exits. This might be open to  
interpretation though, seeing as tb is declared outside the curly braces.

> And with the new full closures, you can implement event handlers inline,  
> too.

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