Question about explicit template instantiation

Edward Diener eddielee_no_spam_here at
Sun Feb 10 14:31:36 PST 2008

Janice Caron wrote:
> On 10/02/2008, Edward Diener <eddielee_no_spam_here at> wrote:
>>>     template MyNamespace(T)
>>>     {
>>>         int x;
>>>     }
>> This is confusing to me coming from C++. In C++ instantiating a class
>> template produces a type. Is that not the way D works ?
> That's /exactly/ the way that D works. With CLASS templates, D works
> just like C++. No problem. Compare: c++
>     template<class T> class A
>     {
>         int x;
>     };
>     A<int> a1;
>     A<double> a2;
> and the D equivalent:
>     class A(T)
>     {
>         int x;
>     }
>     auto a1 = new A!(int);
>     auto a2 = new A!(double);
> They're exactly the same, except that D has nicer syntax. I don't
> think /class/ templates are confusing you at all! I think what's
> confusing you is that in D you can have /namespace/ templates, which
> don't exist in C++.

The explanation for Class Templates in the D1 doc does not explain 
anything at all. That is why I assumed the template A(T) notation 
referred to the equivalent of the C++ class template.

> Let me make an approximate C++ translation. Here's the D again:
>     template A(T)
>     {
>         int x;
>     }
> That is roughly equivalent to, in C++
>     namespace A_int
>     {
>         int x;
>     }
>     namespace A_float
>     {
>         int x;
>     }
>     namespace A_double
>     {
>         int x;
>     }
> ...and so on for every imaginable type. Now it should be clear to you
> that A_int::x is a different variable from A_float::x, yes?

Now I understand. I was surely fooled by the doc.

> For a namespaces to be "instantiated" just means that the
> corresponding chunk of code is there. To be /not/ instantiated would
> mean that it isn't there - which is just as well really, because there
> are in infinite number of possible types!
> To instantiate a namespace template, you only have to refer to it. I
> doesn't matter how.
> Clear?

I think so. Instantiating a namespace template merely puts the 
equivalent code, with the types you instantiate it with substituted each 
time those types are referred to in the namespace, directly into your 

I still do not understand what the object used for the instantiation is. 
In your example above what is:


? Is it some kind of namespace ? Can I say:

A!(int) x;

? If so, what is x ?

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