64-bit support

Gilles G. schaouette at free.fr
Thu Feb 14 01:40:13 PST 2008

Bill Baxter Wrote:

> Gilles G. wrote:
> > Bill Baxter Wrote:
> >> I think the main problem is that there isn't actually even a proven C++ 
> >> built on top of LLVM at this point.  But rumor is that Apple wants to 
> >> move away from GCC and make an LLVM-based compiler their primary 
> >> compiler.  So whatever needs to be done to make it a reality is no doubt 
> >> going to be done.  Given that, it seems to me like now is the perfect 
> >> time to be working on the D front end for it, while LLVM folks are still 
> >> probably receptive to big architectural changes to support a proper C++ 
> >> compiler.  D is different enough -- but at the same time similar enough 
> >> -- that it makes sense to have it in the mix.  That way LLVM people 
> >> won't be lulled into thinking something is generally true when it's 
> >> really a C/C++-specific assumption.   If that makes sense.
> >>
> >> I guess ObjC is probably similar in that respect, and no doubt Apple 
> >> wants an ObjC front end too.  Maybe that's sufficient to keep 'em honest 
> >> and not make C/C++ specific assumptions.  But maybe not, since I think 
> >> ObjC is also a superset of C.
> >>
> >> --bb
> > You can take a look at http://llvm.org/Features.html .
> > you will see that LLVM already as "complete" front-ends for C, C++, and ObjC. These front-end are based upon GCC's ones.
> > 
> But have they been used to compile any significantly big piece of 
> software?  Like, say, a sizeable wxWidgets project such as Audacity?
> --bb
Yes, LLVM compiles Qt for example.

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